Tuesday, October 30, 2012

JRNL : Study Guide

Chapter 10 
What are the three stages of Buzz Marketing? 
1. Inoculation 
2. Incubation 
3. Infection
How much money is spent per year on in-game advertisements?
$1 billion

Chapter 11 

Which of the following are forms of alternative media. 
a)Package insert programs
c) Statement stuffers  
d)All of the above

How do Inbound Telemarketers sell?
a. Direct selling
b. Over the internet
c. Cross selling
d. Face to face selling

Chapter 12

Coupons are defined as:
a) Dispensable 
b) Low cost 
c) High rate of redeemedness 
d) Price reduction offer

What is one of the main reasons for influencing brand purchases?
a. Sampling
b. Word-of-mouth
c. Coupons
d. Advertising

Chapter 13

“Reputation is fragile, but _____?"
a)      Dispensable
b)      Redeemable
c)       Arguable
d)      Valuable
Which is a form of Cause- Related Marketing?
A. Consumer studies
B. Green marketing
C. Green Marketing
D. Pro-environment activities

Chapter 14

What does FTC stand for?
a. Federal Trade Commission
b. Federa Tax Company
c. Fraud Tax Concerns
d. Federal Trade Corporation

Puffery is:
a)      Good toilet paper. Expensive, but it’s totally worth it.
b)      A factual statement
c)       A Lie
d)      An exaggerated statement

Chapter 15

What does ROI stand for?
a. Return on Investment
b. Rate of Investment
c. Response of Investment
d. Rate of Intervul 

 A pupillometric test is:
a)      Testing puppies for rabies
b)      A puppy oriented ad
c)       A made up word
d)      A test on the pupils

Chapter 12
1. What one is one of the top five influences the brand purchased by consumers?
A. Contest (correct)
B. Rebate
C. Mistakes
D. Prizes

2. What one is a problem with coupons?
A. $500 Million illegally redeemed (correct)
B. They never work
C. Miss-prints
D. Run out

3. Which is a problem with "Sampling Programs?"
A. Cost
B. Distribution
C. A and B ( correct)
D. Stimulated trail usage

 Chapter 13
1. Which isn't a form of Corporate Social Responsibility Assessing?
A. Reputation is fragile, but valuable
B. Negative view of businesses
C. Monitor corporate reputation
D. Love thy neighbor (correct)

2. Which is a form of Cause- Related Marketing?
A. Consumer studies
B. Green marketing
C. Green Marketing
D. Pro-environment activities

3. Which isn't an apart of Creating a Positive Image
A. Cause-related Marketing
B. Green Marketing
C. Pro-environment activities
D. Image Destroying (correct)

Chapter 14
1. Which is apart of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?
A. Created in 1924 by passage of federal trade commission act
B. Granted FTC access to courts to enforce decisions
C. FTC authority expanded in 1938 with wheeler-lea amendment
D. ALL OF THE ABOVE (correct)

2.  The FTC actions are?
A. Consent order
B. Cease and desist order
C. U.S Supreme
D. All of the above (correct)

3. What does puffery mean?

A. An exaggerated statement (correct)
B. Prolong truth
C. Buffery
D. brand of chips

Chapter 15
1. Which isn't a recall test?
A. Incorrect answers
B. Aided recall
C. Unaided recall
D. refined (correct)

2.  Which is a form of behavioral measures

A. Sales
B. Test markets
C. Response rates
D. All of the above (correct)

3. Which isn't a a form of items tested for recall
A. tagline
B. Product attributes
C.Theme music
D. None of the above( correct)

Chapter 9
1. Online musing by an individual or group is known as what?
a) blogs
b) e-active marketing
c) brand spiraling

2. The process of increasing the probability of a particular company's Web site emerging from a search is called what?
a) Cyberbait
b) viral marketing
c) search engine optimization

Chapter 10
1. Emphasizes consumer passing along information about a product to others is known as what?
a) lifestyle marketing
b) buzz marketing
c) guerrilla marketing

2. Marketing methods associated with the hobbies and entertainment venues of the target audience is known as what?
a) advergames
b) branded entertainment
c) lifestyle marketing

Chapter 11
1. The place where customers data are held is called?
a) lifetime value
b) trawling
c) data warehouse

2. What is the most common form of direct marketing
a)Direct mail
b) e-mail
c) telemarketing

Chapter 12
1. What sales promotion is defined as a price reduction offer?
a) sampling
b) coupons
c) bonus packs

2. Monies paid to remove an item from a retailer's inventory is known as what?
a) slotting fees
b) spiff money
c) exit fees

Chapter 13
1.Entitling is what kind of public relations strategy?
a) proactive
b) reactive 
c) enhancement

2. The mention of a company's name in a news story is known as what?
a) event marketing
b) entitlings
c) hit

Chapter 14
1.  The FTC stands for what?
a) Federal Trade Commission
b) Federal Taxes Committee
c)Formal Trade Commission

2. Beliefs or principles that individuals hold concerning what is right and what is wrong is known as what?
a) morals
b) ethics
c) religions

Chapter 15
1. Recognition Tests measure all of the following except. 
a). attitude
b). like-ability
c). comprehension

2. What is the method used to measure emotional responses to advertisements?
a) psychogalvanometer
b) warmth monitor
c) recall tests

Chapter 9
1.       Integrating online and offline tactics that reinforce each other and speak with voice is ______.
A.      Cyberbranding
B.      Brand spiraling
C.      Halo brand effect
D.      E-commerce

2.       Blogs as a means to providing information to consumers is called______
A.      Company sponsored blogging
B.      Online social networking
C.      Viral Marketing
D.      Spiraling Marketing

Chapter 10
1.       Which of the following is not a way to generate buzz?
A.      Consumers who like a brand
B.      Sponsored consumers
C.      Company or agency
D.      Guerilla Marketing

2.       True customer-generated buzz occurs _____.
A.      after awareness
B.      before awareness
C.      with awareness
D.      has nothing to do with awareness

1.       _____ = amount spent marketing/ new customers obtained
A.      Acquisition cost
B.      New customer cost
C.      Database maintaining cost
D.      Retention cost

2.       RFM stands for ______.
A.      Recency Frequency Monetary
B.      Research Frequency Merchandise
C.      Research Foundation Monetary
D.      Reach Frequency Monetary

1.      What is the difference between rebates and refunds?

A.      Rebates are returns on soft goods such as food and clothing; Refunds are returns on hard goods such as automobiles
B.      Rebates are returns on soft goods such as automobiles, Refunds are returns on hard goods such as food and clothing
C.      Rebates are returns on hard goods such as automobiles; Refunds are returns on soft goods such as food and clothing
D.      Rebates are returns on hard goods such as food and clothing; Refunds are returns on soft goods such as automobiles

2.       Funds charged by retailers to stock new products are ______.
A.      slotting fees
B.      exit fees
C.      stocking fees
D.      inventory fees

Chapter 13

1.       Which of the following is not an internal stakeholder?
A.      Media
B.      Employee
C.      Unions
D.      Customer

2.       CSR stands for______
A.      Corporate Social Responsibility Audit
B.      Corporate Security Responsibility Audit
C.      Cooperative Society Reach
D.      Committed Social Responsibility

1.       An exaggerate statement in the advertising is a(an) ______.
A.      Unfair marketing practice
B.      Deceptive marketing practice
C.      Puffery
D.      Claim

2.       Which of the following organization is given power to stop unfair and deceptive advertising practice?
A.      FTC
B.      FDA
C.      FCC
D.      ATF

Chapter 15
1.       Which of the following evaluation method is prior to development?
A.  Concept testing
B.  Copytesting
C.  Recognition tests
D.  Recall tests

2.       Which of the following is not a method of copytesting?
A.  Portfolio test
B.  Theater test
C.  Focus group
D.  Aided recall

Chapter 9:

1.) All of the following are characteristics of Viral Marketing, except:
     a.) Having an ad attached to email or other means of online communication.
     b.) Word-of-mouth advocacy
     c.) High percentage pass along rate
     d.) Message passed by force   -

2.) Drivers to new websites include all of the following, except:
     a.) Internet search engines
     b.) Word-of-mouth
     c.) Print Ads
     d.) Radio Ads   -

Chapter 10:

1.) What one is not one of the three Buzz Marketing stages:
     a.) Inoculation
     b.) Insistance   -
     c,) Incubation
     d.) Infection

2.) Branded Entertainment is:
     a.) Brand woven into the storyline   -
     b.) Brand woven into radio
     c.) Brand woven into Walmart

Chapter 11:

1.) CRM stands for:
     a.) Customer Readiness Management
     b.) Customer Reliance Management
     c.) Customer Relationship Management   -
     d.) Consumer Relationship Management

2.) Which is an example of Direct Response Media:
     a.) Television   -
     b.) Internet
     c.) Mobile Media

Chapter 12:

1.) Most consumers say that they:
     a.) Always use coupons
     b.) Sometimes use coupons   -
     c.) Rarely use coupons
     d.) Never use coupons

2.) In Promotion Combinations, Overlay means:
     a.) Combining two or more promotions   -
     b.) One promotion
     c.) Combining four or more promotions
     d.) Combining three or more promotions

Chapter 13:

1.) For Damage Control Strategies, what are the two types of strategies given:
     a.) Proactive and Inactive
     b.) Reactive and Provocative
     c.) Proactive and Reactive    -
     d.) Active and Reactive

2.) FTC stands for:
   a.) Federal Tracking Commission
   b.) Federal Trade Company
   c.) Fixing The Company
   d.) Federal Trade Commission   - 

Chapter 14:

1.) Puffery is:
     a.) An exaggerated statement   -
     b.) A type of bird
     c.) An exaggerated commercial
     d.) Factual statement

2.) Which one is not one of the methods of copy testing:
     a.) Portfolio Test
     b.) Theater Test
     c.) Television Test   -
     d.) Mail Intercept

Chapter 15:

1.) Behavioral Measures all of the following, except:
     a.) Sales
     b.) Advertising   -
     c.) Response Rates
     d.) Purchase Simulation Tests

2.) Recognition Tests are good for measuring all of the following, except:
     a.) Reaction
     b.) Comprehension
     c.) Like ability
     d.) Opinion   -

Chapter Nine
Web Marketing is an advertising that is tied to an email or other form of online communication in which one person passes on the advertisement or email to other consumers.
Brand Spiraling is the practice of using traditional media to promote and attract consumers to a website.   T
Chapter Ten
Guerilla Marketing emphazies consumers passing along information about a product to others.  F
Product Placement is the integration of entertainment and advertising by embedding brands into the storyline of a movie, tv show, or other entrainment media.  T
Chapter Eleven
Data Mining is the process of searching a database for a specific piece of information for marketing purposes.  F
Complied List is a list of customers who have made purchases or who have responded to direct mail offers in the past. 
Chapter Twelve
Sales Promotion are incentives directly offered to a firms customers or potential customers.  T
Exit Fees are monies paid to remove an item from a retailers inventory.  T
Chapter Thirteen
Green Marketing is the development and promotion of products that are environmentally safe.  T
Sponsorship Marketing is when a company pays money to sponsor an event or program.   T
Chapter Fourteen
Ethics are the moral principles that serve as guidlines for both individuals and orginazations.  T
Justice Approach is the means of making decisions based on the belief that each person has fundamental rights that should be respected and protected.   T

Chapter Fifteen
A Copy Test is a test of an advertisement using a set of print ads, one of which is the ad being evaluated.  F-portfolio
Aided Recall is a test in which subjects are asked to name, or recall, the ads without any prompts or memory jogs.  F- unaided
1.)   It is important for a company to have a code of ethics?
A.) true

2.)All of these methods help to make a positive image Except?
A.) Cause-Related Marketing
B.) Green Marketing
C.) Gorilla Marketing
D.) Pro-Environment Marketing

3.)Puffery are factual statements
A.) True
B.) False

4.) Puffery statements include?
A.) Best
B.) Finest
C.) Greatest
D.) all of the above

5.)Copytesting is a Message Evaluation Technique?
A.) True
B.) False

6.) Gross testing is a Message Evaluation Technique?
A.) True
B.) False

Chapter 9:
1) How many people access the internet on a daily basis?
a. 50% b. 60%  c. 70% d. 80%

2) What is the term used to describe the trend of shopping on the internet called?
a. Ebay b. Amazon  c. E-commerce  d. Commercial Internet Shopping

Chapter 10:
1) What is one of the benefits of Guerilla Marketing?
a. Involve interacting with consumers b. word of mouth  c. Fast growing d. Focus on everything and everyone at the same time

2) What advertising most influences clothing purchases?
a. Print Ads  b. Television Ads  c. In-store Advertising  d. Internet Ads

Chapter 11:
1) What does CRM stand for?
a. Consumer Related Merchandizing  b. Creative Research Marketing  
c. Customer Relationship Management
d. Computer Role Modeling

2) What is the most common form of direct marketing?
a. E-Mail  b. Direct Mail  c. Catalogs  d. Alternative Media

Chapter 12:
1) What is one of the main reasons for influencing brand purchases?
a. Sampling  b. Word-of-mouth  c. Coupons d. Advertising

2) How much percent of a marketing budget is used for manufactures using trade promotions?
a. 60%  b. 80%  c. 50%  d. 70%

Chapter 13:
1) How much money do businesses pay in cause related marketing (in millions)?
a. $500  b. $900  c. $600  d. $300

2) Where is the most common Sponsorship and Event Marketing in the US used?
a. Festivals  b. Sporting Events  c. Entertainment, music tours, and attractions  d. Causes

1.     What is brand communities?
- the devotion and loyalty to a brand.

2. What is puffery?
- stating that your product is the best, no real proof or evidence to a stated fact because it would be impossible to determine.

3. What is product placement?
- placing product in movie, TV show or other media program

4. What is the five steps to building a permission Marketing Program?
 - obtain permission from customer, offer customer an ongoing curriculum that is meaningful, reinforce the incentive to continue the relationship, increase level of permission and leverage the permission to benefit both parties.

5. What is a response list?
- Consist of customers who have made purchases or responded to direct mail offers in the past.

6.What is data mining?
- The process of searching a database to develop a profile of the company's best customers.
Chapter 9.5
1. Facebook is known as a niche network and Linkedln is known as a massive network True or False.  False

2. What percentage of shoppers abandon their purchase when they reach the credit card stage?
A. 50%
B. 70%
C. 40%
D. 20%

Chapter 10
1. Which of the following are not stages of buzz marketing?
A. Incubation
B. Inoculation
C. Inquiry
D. Infection

2. 5 Billion dollars is spent on video game advertising each year True or False

Chapter 11
1. Which of the following are not tasks of database marketing
A. Building a Database
B. Database Coding and Analysis
C. Data Mining
D. Build a Data Warehouse

Coding provides critical information for the development of personalized communication True or False

Chapter 12 
1. The average value of a coupon is 75 cents? True or False

2. Which of the following is not a sampling technique
A. Indirect sampling
B. Direct Sampling
C. In-Store Sampling
D. Professional Sampling

Chapter 13
Which of the following is not an internal stakeholder?
A. Employees
B. Unions 
C. Media
D. Management

Which of the following is not an external stakeholder
A. Management
B. Media 
C. Local Community 
D. Financial Community

Chapter 14
Puffery is an exaggerated statement True or False

Which of the following is not an FTC action
A. Consent Order
B. US Supreme Court
C. Circuit Court
D. US Court of Appeals

Chapter 15
Focus Groups are apart of concept testing True or False

Which of the following is not a recall test
A. Total Recall
B. Day After Recall
C. Aided Recall
D. Unaided Recall

Chapter 10.

1. With Buzz Marketing, word-of-mouth advertising has high credibility. True or False?

2. With In-store marketing, what percentage of purchases are made in the store?

    a.) 30 %                                                          b.) 5%
    c.) 70%                                                           d.) 90%

Chapter 11.

1. In RMF Analysis, the R-M-F stand for________________.

    a.) Recency-Frequency-Monetary                        b.) Recognize-Fragile-Machines

    c.) Repetitive-Frequency-Management                 d.) Recency-Fortified-Monetary

2. In Data-Driven Marketing Programs, there are three categories that are used. The first two are-Permission Marketing and Frequency/Loyalty programs, what is the third one?

    a.) Customer Regulation Management                   b.) Customer Required Management
    c.) Customer-is-always-right-Management           d.) Customer Relationship Management

Chapter 12.

1. How many dollars of illegally produced coupons are redeemed?

    a.) 200 Million                                                        b.) 700 Million

    c.) 350 Million                                                        d.) 500 Million

2. The difference between contests and sweepstakes, is that with contests  ________________.

   a.) it is random chance, fill in the entry form as many times.

   b.) it requires skill and the participants need to perform some type of activity.

   c.) is extrinsic-the attractiveness of the prize.

   d.) usually produces more winners than sweepstakes.

Chapter 13.

1. With the Factors Affecting Corporate Image, Which one would be considered image destroying?

   a.) Charitable contributions                                     b.) Sponsoring local events

   c.) Pollution                                                            d.) Outplacement Programs

2.Which is the appropriate percentage of people feeling better about using a product when a company supported a particular cause?

   a.) 13%                                                                  b.) 70%

   c.) 81%                                                                  d.) 46%

Chapter 14.

1. Which Regulatory Agency was given power to stop unfair and deceptive advertising practices and levy fines?

   a.) FDA                                                                  b.) FCC

   c.) FTC                                                                  d.) ATF

2. Puffery is different from a Claim in that it:

   a.) is an exaggerated statement, not factual.             b.) is an factual statement

Chapter 15.

1. The average cost of a 30sec ad is_____________.

   a.) $500,000                                                          b.) $1,000,000

   c.) $350,000                                                          d.) $ $450,000

2. With physiological arousal test for ads, the psychogalavonmeter measures_________________.

   a.) pupils                                                                b.) sweat

   c.) heart rate                                                          d.) brain waves

Chapter 10 Alternative Marketing

Q: What are the three stages of Buzz Marketing?
A: 1. Inoculation 2. Incubation 3. Infection

Q: How much money is spent per year on in-game advertisements?
A: $1 billion

Q: What percentage os purchase decisions are made in-store?
A: 70%

Chapter 11 Database & Direct Response Marketing
Q: What was the chapters Case Study on?
A: Levi's Jeans

Q: What is it when coding proved critcal information for the development of personalized communication?
A: Database Coding

Q: What does RFM stand for?
A: Recency Frequency Monetary

Q: True/False: Are internet communications available 24/7?
A: True

Chapter 10:
1.) What is buzz marketing also known as?
a.Word-of-mouth marketing
b.Internet marketing
 c.Sponsored marketing
d.Company marketing

2.) Of the listed below what is a requirement of Guerrilla Marketing.
a.Requires money
 b.requires buzz
c.requires energy and imagination 
d.requires product placement

Chapter 11:
1.) What does a database do?
a.Show what type of marketing plan is being used.
b.Holds all of the customer data.
c.Adds geographic codes to each customer record.
d.Plots customers addresses on a map.

2.) Which of the following are forms of alternative media.
a.Package insert programs
c.Statement stuffers
 d.All of the above

Chapter 12:
1.) What are trade promotions?
a.Offers from television
 b.Offers only made online
 c.Incentives offered in department stores
d.Incentives used by manufacturers to purchase goods for eventual resale;

2.) How many types of coupons are there.

Chapter 13:
1.) What is cause-related marketing?
a.A program where a firm ties a marketing program to a charity.
b.A charity benefit
c.Both a and b
d. None of the above;
2.) How many reactive strategies are there?

Chapter 14:
1.) What does the FTC stand for?
a.Free Trade Company
 b.Free Trade Commission
c.Federal Transaction Company
d.Federal Trade Commission

2.) What is puffery?
a.An exaggeration of a companys goods or services.
b.A type of marketing plan
c.Both a and b
 d. None of the above

Chapter 15:
1.) How many questions does a CopyCheck include?

2.) How many recall tests are there?

chapter 9:

1) How many people access the internet on a daily basis?
a. 50%
b. 60%
c. 70%
d. 80%

2) What is the term used to describe the trend of shopping on the internet called?
a. Ebay
b. Amazon
c. E-commerce
d. Commercial Internet Shopping

Chapter 10:

1) What is one of the benefits of Guerilla Marketing?
a. Involve interacting with consumers
b. word of mouth
c. Fast growing
d. Focus on everything and everyone at the same time

2) What advertising most influences clothing purchases?
a. Print Ads
b. Television Ads
c. In-store Advertising
Chapter 11:

1) What does CRM stand for?
a. Consumer Related Merchandizing
b. Creative Research Marketing
c. Customer Relationship Management
d. Computer Role Modeling

2) What is the most common form of direct marketing?
a. E-Mail
b. Direct Mail
c. Catalogs
d. Alternative Media

Chapter 12:

1) What is one of the main reasons for influencing brand purchases?
a. Sampling
b. Word-of-mouth
c. Coupons
d. Advertising

2) How much percent of a marketing budget is used for manufactures using trade promotions?
a. 60%
b. 80%
c. 50%
d. 70%

Chapter 13:

1) How much money do businesses pay in cause related marketing (in millions)?
a. $500
b. $900
c. $600
d. $300

2) Where is the most common Sponsorship and Event Marketing in the US used?
a. Festivals
b. Sporting Events
c. Entertainment, music tours, and attractions
d. Causes

Chapter 9
PoP stands for what?
a)Point of purchase
b)Point of Person
c)Point of Phase

CSP stands for what?
a) Cost Sales Price
b)Customer Service Program
c)Corporate sales Program

Chapter 10
To generate an effective refund or rebate program, the offer must have? Which does not work?
c)Perceived newness
d)an impact

Bounce Back coupons do what?
a) Help you bounce out of your debt
b) Coupons used at later times
c) Bounce back the rebates

Chapter 11
Which of the following is not a retail selling category?
a) Selling in retail outlets
b) Selling at schools
c) selling services

CRM stands for what?
a)Customer relationship management
b)Customer Reputation Management
c) Consumer Replace Management

Chapter 12
A hit does what?
a) Send something in motion
b) Companies name in a news story
c) Puts the product on the map

Apology strategy means what?
a)Full apology when the firm has made an error
b)Gives discounts for errors made
c) no apology for errors made

Chapter 13
What is a web master?
a) creator of facebook
b) web content and e-mail messages for various consumers

FAQ's stands for what?
a) Fired As Questioned
b) Firm Association Quad
c) Frequently asked questions

Chapter 14
Intrapreneurship is a real word?

Entrepreneurship the trading of a company

1.What is data mining?
Building profiles of customer groups and preparing models for predicting future behaviors is known as what?

2.one method of direct marketing?

1. definition of coupon is ?
price reduction offer

2. a overlay in advertising is ?
combine two or more promotions into a single campaign

1.prevent or image damage is an example of ?

2.what one image building activity?

1.FTC stands for?
Fed Trade Comish

2.whats puffery?
Exaggerated claim

1.Flucation in a persons body is what kind of test?

2.copy testing is what stage?
2nd stage.  Designed to elict responses to the main message of the ad as well as the format used to present the ad

Chapter 13

1. Which is not an image destroying activity?
a. discrimination
b. Outplacement Programs
c. Pollution

2. What helps when creating a positive image?
 Cause-related marketing, Green marketing, and Pro-environment activities

Chapter 14

1. Which is not a Regulatory Agenicies?
a. FTC
b. FDA
c. FFA

2. List the actions of the FTC.
Consent order, Cease and desist order, Full Commission

Chapter 15

1. Which is not a Copytesting Method?
a. Theater Review
b. Portfolio test
c. Mall Intercept

2. Name the three farctors that influence recall test scores.
Attitude towards advertising, Prominence of brand name, Respondent's Age

Chapter 10
1. Honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity are part of _______

a. Word of Mouth Marketing
b. Buzz marketing
c. Direct Advertising

2. Which one is not a reason for guerrilla marketing?

a. To interact with consumers
b. To create buzz
c. To keep word of product limited

Chapter 11

1. RFM analysis, what does R stand for?

a. Recency
b. Reactive
c. Reason

2. Which one does not apply to outbound marketing?

a. cross-selling
b. cold calling
c. database
d. prospects

Chapter 12

1. Prizes,gifts, or other special offers received for purchasing products?

a. Awards
b. Target Market
c. Premiums

2. The distribution of product to consumer at no cost ?

a. buzz marketing
b. Sampling
c. Price-Off

Chapter 13

1. Proactive strategies and Reactive strategies are part of ?

a. buzz marketing
b. direct marketing
c. damage control

2. Which is not part of Sponsorship Objectives

a. Enhance corporate image
b. Increase firm visibility
c. Crisis management programs

Chapter 14

1.  Stops unfair and deceptive advertising ?

a. Federal Trade Commission
b. Food and Drug Administration
c. U.S Postal Service

2. An exaggerated statement:

a. Fraud
b. Misinterpretation
c. Puffery

Chapter 15
1. ______ tests often used with recall tests?

a. Memory
b. Reaction
c. Recognition

2. Used for the measurement of emotions?

a. Emotional Reaction Tests
b. Memory  Tests
c. Emotional Appeal

Chapter # 10:
1. What does WOMMA stand for?
a. Word of Mass Marketing Association
b. Word of Mouth Marketing Association
c. Word of Mouth Marketing Advertising
d. Word of Mass Marketing Agency

2.  What is the goal in Guerrilla Marketing?
a. To create Alternative Media
b. Create positive Public Relations
c. Generate buzz
d. To promote lower cost items

Chapter # 11:
1. What is one of the goals in developing loyal customers? as stated in the power point notes.
a. To build a relationship
b. Give promotions
c. Implement positive feedback on their buying habits

2. How do Inbound Telemarketers sell?
a. Direct selling
b. Over the internet
c. Cross selling
d. Face to face selling

Chapter # 12: 
1.  Are automobiles a form of rebates? True or False

2. What are Premiums?
a. Advertisements
b. Prizes, gifts and other special offers
c. Return policies
d. Contests

Chapter # 13:
1.  Businesses pay over how much in cause related marketing?
a. $600 million
b. $500 million
c. $400 million
d. $300 million

2.  What percent do Sports have on Sponsorships and Event Marketing in the U.S.?
a. 70%
b. 64%
c. 68.8%
d. 63.6%

Chapter # 14:
1.  What does FTC stand for?
a. Federal Trade Commission
b. Federa Tax Company
c. Fraud Tax Concerns
d. Federal Trade Corporation

2. What does USPS stand for?
a. U.S. Providing Service
b. U.S. Postal Sales
c. U.S. Postal Service
d. U.S. Promotion Sales

Chapter # 15:
1.  What does ROI stand for
a. Return on Investment
b. Rate of Investment
c. Response of Investment
d. Rate of Interval

2.  What does RSC stand for?
a. Research systems corporation
b. Research systems companys
c. Return simulation company
d. Return simulation corporation

Ch. 12: Sales Promotions
1. The highest percentage of consumer coupon usage is associated with customers who use them:
     a. Never
     b. Always
     c. Rarely
     d. Sometimes... ranking in with 37.7%
2. All are reasons for using bonus packs EXCEPT:
     a. Increase usage of the product
     b. Match the premium to the target market
     c. Attract new users
     d. Develop customer loyalty

Ch. 13: Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs
3. An example of image-destroying activities would be:
     a. Discrimination
     b. Supporting community events
     c. Outplacement programs
     d. Charitable contributions
4. A statement recognizing the inappropriate behavior and acceptance of sanctions for wrong behavior is an element of an Apology Strategy. True or False?
     a. True
     b. False

Ch. 14: Regulations and Ethical Concerns
5. All are guidelines for advertising to children EXCEPT:
     a. Ads should have clear and visible disclosures about what items come with a toy and what items do not.
     b. Products and ad content should be appropriate for children.
     c. Ads should blur the line between fantasy and reality.
     d. Items that require adult supervision must be shown with adults supervising the child.

6. People balance a variety of urges throughout life. _______ is the natural craving for balance.
     a. Hedonism
     b. Homeostasis
     c. Religion
     d. Law

Ch. 15: Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program
7. True or False: A recall test involves asking an individual to recall what ads he or she viewed in a given setting or time period.
     a. True
     b. False

8. A ____________ measures a person's perspiration levels.
     a. Pupillometric meter
     b. Psychophysiology
     c. Psychogalvanometer

1-    Levi Strauss had four principles. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. Empathy
c. Integrity
d. Accountability--

2- Which of the following is the most common form of direct marketing?
a. Catalogs
b. T.V. Commercials
c. Surveys
d. Direct Mail --

3- What is the number one problem with using coupons as a sales promotion?
a. 500 Million$ worth are illegally redeemed.--
b. They require mass cutting.
c. They can be easily counterfeit.
d. They are used by brand comsumers.

4. Which of the following is not a benefit of sampling?
a. They introduce new products.
b. They generate leads.
c. They boost sales.
d. They gain peoples trust in the product.--

5. Which of the following is not a form of image destroying activities.
a. Discimination
b. Harrassment
c. Pollution
d. Outplacement Programs--

6. FTC stands for what?
a. Federal Trap Commission.
b. Federal Trade Commission.
c. Future Trap Commencement.
d. Future Trade Commencement

chapter 10
what is another word for buzz marketing?
A word of mouth markeing
B bee marketing
C media marketing
D mass marketing

what type of advertising most influened clothing purchaes?
A in store advertising
B internet ads
C print ads
D radio ads

Chapter 11
what is the process of adding geographic codes to each consumers so that consumer addresses can be plotted on a map?
 A geocoding
B demographics
C lifetime value
D geography

what does the RFM stand for in RFM analysis?
A recency, frequency, and monetary
B reach, frequency, and money
C reach, finance, and money
D recency, funds, and marketing

Chapter 12
Which is not a type of Premium?
A mass e-mail
B store or manufacturer
C in-or-on-packaging
D self-liquidating

what is FSI?
A freestanding inserts
B firestarting insects
C financial secreatary involvement
D finance sending investments

Chapter 13
What strategy is when a full apology is made when the firm has made an error
A sorry strategy
B apology strategy
C bad strategy
D my bust strategy

what color marketing is when the development and promotion of products that are environmentally safe
A green
B blue
C yellow
D black

Chapter 9
1. What is the largest mode of Internet advertising?
       Answer: Search
2. What are the incentives to online purchasing?
       Answer: Financial, Convenience, and Value

Chapter 10
1. What's an example of Direct Response Media?
       Answer: Television
2. What are the three Buzz Marketing stages?
       Answer: Inoculation, Incubation, Infection

Chapter 11
1. What are the disadvantages of Direct Mail?
       Answer: clutter & costs
2. Cross-selling is an example of what kind of telemarketing?
       Answer: Inbound

Chapter 12
1. The attractiveness of a prize is an example of what kind of award?
       Answer: Extrinsic
2. Combining two or more promotions is an example of what combination method?
       Answer: Overlay

Chapter 13
1. True or False: Consumers are willing to sacrifice price and convenience in order to make a greener purchase.
       Answer: False
2. Is an Internet intervention a proactive or a reactive Damage Control Strategy?
       Answer: Reactive-

Chapter 14
1. What does FTC stand for?
       Answer: Federal Trade Commission 
2. True or False: Puffery is an exaggerated statement.
       Answer: True

Chapter 15
1. True or False: Concept testing comes after ad development.
       Answer: False
2. Recognition tests measure what three things?
       Answer: Reaction, Comprehension, & Likability

Ch 9.
1.) Which is not a detriments of online purchases?
a. security
b. Purchase habits
c. incentives
d. price *

2.) What is the most used type of online advertising?
a. e-mail
b. search *
c. sponsorship
d. classifieds.

3.) What is the last step of Buzz Marketing?
a. inoculation
b. incubation
c. infection *

4.) Buzz marketing is what kind of marketing?
a. Word of mouth *
b. paid advertising
c. celebrity endorsement

5.) What is the most common form of direct marketing
a. Direct mail *
b. e-mail
c. catalogs
d. telemarketing

6.) Building profiles of customer groups and preparing models for predicting future behaviors is known as what?
a. customer storing
b. data mining *
c. information digging
d. customer mining

Ch 12.
7.) What sales promotion is defined as a price reduction offer?
a. coupons *
b. premium
c. sampling
d. bonus packs

8.) Distributing a free product to consumers is known as what?
a. bonus packs
b. sampling *
c. sweepstakes
d. rebate

Ch 13.
9.) Entitling is what kind of public relations strategy?
a. reactive 
b. proactive *
c. enhancement
d. crisis manegment

10.) What takes up the biggest percentage of sponsorships and event marketing in the United States?
a. sports *
b. causes
c. concerts
d. festivals

Ch 14.
11.) the FTC stands for what?
a. Federal Trade Commission
b. Federal Taxes Committee
c. Federal Food & Drug Committee
d. Florida Trade Commission

Ch 15. 

12.)Recognition Tests measure all of the following except. 
a. Attitude *
b. Reaction
c. Like-ability
d. Comprehension

13.) Which of the following isn't a message evaluation technique?
a. Concept Testing
b. Recall Testing
c. Attitude tests
d. Humorous testing *

Chapter 9
1)      Web analytics does NOT include:
a)      What customers look at
b)      What they bought
c)       Where they clicked
d)      What their favorite color in the whole world is

2)      ______% of shoppers abandon their shopping when they get to the credit card stage.
a)      10
b)      20
c)       30
d)      40

Chapter 10
1)      Reasons to use guerilla marketing do NOT include
a)      To interact with customers
b)      To create buzz
c)       To build relationships with customers
d)      To market the message of anti-guerilla warfare

2)      $_________ billion is spent a year on game advertising
a)      4
b)      3
c)       2
d)      1

Chapter 11
1)      Internet communications is NOT
a)      Low cost
b)      Available 24/7
c)       Subject to metric analysis
d)      Expensive

2)      What is the first step in Permission Marketing?
a)      Offer a curriculum over time
b)      Leverage the permission to benefit both parties
c)       Reinforce incentives to continue the relationship
d)      Obtain permission

Chapter 12
1)      Coupons are defined as:
a)      Dispensable
b)      Low cost
c)       High rate of redeemedness
d)      Price reduction offer

2)      $_____million worth in illegally redeemed coupons annually.
a)      200
b)      300
c)       400
d)      500

Chapter 13
1)      “Reputation is fragile, but _____”
a)      Dispensable
b)      Redeemable
c)       Arguable
d)      Valuable

2)      What does not help to create a positive image?
a)      green marketing
b)      cause marketing
c)       pro-environment marketing
d)      greed marketing

Chapter 14
1)      The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was founded in:
a)      1911
b)      1912
c)       1913
d)      1914

2)      Puffery is:
a)      Good toilet paper. Expensive, but it’s totally worth it.
b)      A factual statement
c)       A Lie
d)      An exaggerated statement

Chapter 15
1)      The average cost of a 30 second ad is $_________.
a)      1
b)      10,000
c)       15,000
d)      350,000

2)      A pupillometric test is:
a)      Testing puppies for rabies
b)      A puppy oriented ad
c)       A made up word
d)      A test on the pupils

Chapter 9

Daily internet access is at more than 60%

A. True -
B. False

These incentives change long-term purchasing habits

A. Convenience incentives
B. Value incentives -
C. Financial incentives
D. Cohesion incentives

Chapter 10

This type of marketing has the highest crediblity.

A. Standard Marketing
B. Buzz Marketing
C. Word-of-mouth Marketing - 
D. Transient Marketing

Brand Ambassadors typically are individuals who already like the brand

A. True -
B. False

Chapter 11

Which of these is NOT a task in Database Marketing?

A. Building a data warehouse
B. Data mining
C. Data spelunking -
D. Data-driven marketing communications

Disadvantages of Direct mail are clutter and costs

A.      True-
B.      False

Chapter 12

Less than  1% of all distributed coupons are redeemed

A.      True -
B.      False

Term used to describe : Prizes , gifts, or other special offers received in exchange for purchasing products.

A.      Contests
B.      Refunds
C.      Rebates
D.      Premiums-

Chapter 13

These are all public relations functions EXCEPT:

A.      Assess the corporate reputation
B.      Prosecute those responsible for bad relations -
C.      Create Positive image-building responsibilities
D.      Prevent or reduce image damage

Green marketing refers to  the practice of using wasteful amounts of natural resources.

A.        True 
B.        False-

Chapter 14

The FTC stands for:

A.      The Federal Tax Compilation
B.      The Federal Thompson Complex
C.      Flight Technician Corporation
D.      Federal Trade Commission-

An exaggerated statement, not factual.

A.      Seguay
B.      Claim
C.      Puffery-
D.      Poofery

Chapter 15

A Psychogalvonmenter measures what?

A.     Urine
B.     Sweat-
C.     Blood
D.    Tears

Psychophysiology measures a person’s brain waves

A.     True-
B.     False

Chapter 9 (part 2)

Integrating online and offline tactics that reinforce each other and speak with one voice make up:

brand spiraling
Halo brand effect
viral marketing

Which of these is NOT a driver to new websites?

internet search engines
print ads
television ads
company sponsored blogging

Chapter 10

Of the Buzz Marketing stages, which is when the product is used by a few trend setters?


On average, how many households spend at least one hour a month playing online video games?


Chapter 11

The amount spent marketing / new customers obtained is:

acquisition cost
data mining
loyalty program
permission marketing

The most common form of direct marketing is:

direct mail

Chapter 12

How many coupons are distributed annually?

100 billion
200 billion
257 billion
323 billion

When rebates are for more than $50, what are their redemption rates?


Chapter 13

Of the green environmental groups, the one that has strong green values AND is politically active is:

True Blue Greens
Greenback Greens

Accepting blame or refuting charges can also be called:

crisis management programs

Chapter 14

The original intent of the FTC was to:

monitor the Nazis leading up to WWII
enforce anti-trust laws
prevent false advertising
regulate radio communications across the country

Regarding the FTC, its most powerful ally is:

U.S. Court of Appeals
Consent Orders
Administrative Complaints
U.S. Supreme Court

Chapter 15

Criticisms against Copytesting DO NOT include:

some agencies do not use it
it stifles creativity
supports corporate decisions
not a good judge

The pupillometric test involves monitoring a test subject's:

brain waves

Chapter 13:
1.) What are the 5 types of public relations functions?

2.) What are the 6 image-destroying activities that affect a company's image?

Chapter 14:
1.) What are the 5 government regulatory agencies?

2.) what are some of the advantages of using the CBBB's industry regulatory agencies?

Chapter 15:

1.) what are 5 items tested for recall?

2.) What are the 5 behavioral measures?

Ch 9
1. (T/F) company sponsored blogs use blogs as a means to provide info to consumers?
A. true

2. (T/F) traditional media is not used to promote cokerwards?
A. false

Ch. 10
1. What does WOMMA stand for?
A. word of mouth marketing association

2. what are the 3 stages of buzz marketing?
A. inculation, incubation, infection

Ch. 11
1. (T/F) offering a curriculum over time is a step in permission marketing?
A. True

2. What is the most important form of direct marketing?
A. direct mail

Ch 12
1. This is defined as a price reduction offer
A. coupons

2. cash returns offered following pruchase of product?
A. refund and rebates

Ch 13
1. (T/F) identifying internal and external stakeholders is a function of public relations?
A. true

2. A claim responsibility for positive outcomes is defined as
A. entitling

Ch 14
1. USPS stands for
A. united states postal service

2. FTC stands for
A. federal trade commission

Ch 15
1. what are 2 types of message evaluation techniques are
A. recall test and copy testing

2. Methods of copy testing includes what?
A. portfolio test, theater test, focus groups, and mall intercept

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