Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Art History : Notes (2011)

Civil Service Exam was ticket to success

Ni Zan, The Rongxi Studio 1372
·      Monochrome
·      The pavilion in painting is subordinated to landscape
·      Mi Dots express artist personality
Literati-  Artists well-educated in literature, calligraphy, painting and philosophy, and a style of painting made by those artists
·      Intimate scales or formats
·      Black and white
·      Focus on landscape and natural world
·      Calligraphy seen as superior art form
Mi Dots
·      Reference to past styles
·      Add a punctuation for the image.
·      Heavy dark color

Guan Daosheng,  from Bamboo Groves in Mist and Rain, 1308
·      Symbolizm Bamboo related to masculinity and men qualitys because it is strong and doesn’t break.
·      Bamboo also reference to marital life.  Total devotion to their husbands
Zhao Mengfu
·      Autumn Colors on the Qiao and Hua Mountains, Yuan Dynasty, 1296
o   References to Mengfus homeland
o   Looking back to Tong dynasty
o   Landscape, poems inscribed on top. à literati
o   Minimal use of color
o   Incredibly detailed literati painting
·      Two Pines, Level Distance, 1310
o   Drawn on paper
o   Flying white brush strokes
§  Whiteness that comes through the ink
o   Relationship between ink and paper (negative and positive balance), and relationship between space.
o   Wants to bring calligraphy and painting together
§  Both offer self expression and show you the personality of the artist
Shen Zhou, Poet on a Mountaintop, 1500
·      Landscape
·      Mi Dots
·      Monochrome (black and white)
·      Harmony between informal calligraphy and brush strokes
·      Lone figure (rejected from world?)
·      Alba leaf (part of a book)
·      Progression of Literati no longer oppositional
·      More detailed than other literati
·      Not many stamps in image
·      Man standing up on top of mountain looks very big, dialogue between poet and the poem
Ax-cut brushstrokes
·      Used to depict rocks or cliffs
Ma Yuan, Scholar and Servant on a Terrace, Southern Song Dynasty, 1200

Dong Qichang, The Qingbian Mountains, 1617
·      Very condensed
·      Celebrating both northern and southern school of lit


Great Wall of China, restored and expanded under Ming Dynasty
·      Symbol of Ming strength/power
Yongle Emperor (ruled 1402-24)
·      Altar to Heaven, Beijing, Ming Dynasty
o   Emperor roles
§  Chief administration of the nation
ú  Tax
ú  Agriculture
ú  Foreign relation
§  Cultural Leader
ú  Skilled in poetry, calligraphy, literati
§  Ritual Leader
ú  Systematic rituals (more than 90 a year) to maintain relationship with people/heaven
o   Temple grounds confined within a rectangle.
§  Circle within a square is symbolic for interrelationship between heaven and earth
o   Heaven,  Earth, Emperor (3 things)
Gate of Heavenly Peace at the Imperial Palace, Tiananmen Square
·      3 gates
o   method of exclusion (forbidden city)
·      Designed as a watchtower
Meridian Gate
·      Wall of the Palace
·      Intended to humble people who walk up to it, very tall
Golden Stream and gate of Supreme Harmony
·      Opens to outer city (3 govt buildings)
·      Provides nature 5 bridges, direction(N,S,E,W,Center).  Bridges used for rituals or ceremonies
Hall of Supreme Harmony
·      3 sets of stairs
·      2 five-clawed dragons
·      Interior
o   Coffering: Decorative square panels used on ceilings to reduce weight and provide omamentation.
Foguang Si, 847 AD, T’ang Dynasty
·      Oldest Chinese Buddhism
o   Comprised a system of bays (building block of a square)
o   Elaborate Mortise and Tenon graphics
Hall of Complete Harmony
Hall of Preserving Harmony
·      Deliberate walkway to get into building
Palace of Heavenly Purity
Palace of Earthly Peace
·      “honeymoon suite”
·      double happiness symbol (marriage)
·      public looking space with writings and insignias
Hall of Mental Cultivation
·      Movement from public to very private
·      Recession from outer to inner
o   In order to define private  (secretcy), you also need public spaces
Hall of Mental Cultivation at the Imperial Palace
Yongzheng Emperor- built
Qianlong Emperor- expanded
·      Room where emperor would meet visitors and do calligraphy
·      10 virtues an emperor should have
o   review heaven / pay tribute to
o   take care of people
Hall of Three Rarities
·      Texts, calligraphy, arts
·      Three pieces of ancient calligraphy
·      Trompe l’oeil: painting- trick the eye
o   Appearance of natural space but give illusion of being three dimensional
Guisppe Castiglione (Lang Shining)
·      Study for  Spring’s Peaceful Message,  after 1736
Pavilion of One Thousand Autums, Qianlong Garden
·      Heavy bracket tiled roof
·      Circle within square
·      Ancient Chinese architecture
Pavilion for Bestowing Wine, Qianlong Garden
·      Taihu Rocks: Rocks from Tai Lake, used as ornaments in garden,
o   represent wisdom and immortality
Hall of Piled High Excellence, Qianlong Garden
·      Maze/pathway through rocks to get to top
Portrait of the Kangxi Emperor, Qing Dynasty
·      Visage Portrait:  A pictorial style that rejects any depiction of physical environment, bodily movement of facial expression
Qing Dynasty
·      Kangxi Emperor
·      Yongzheng Emporer
o   Daoist Magician summoning a fierce dragon from  Alburn of Yongzheng Emperor in Costume
o   Tibetan Buddhist monk
o   European hunting a tiger
o   Fisherman
·      By representing all these paintings it is saying that he is one man under heaven (mandate of heaven)
o   Obscure image by these costumes.  Unknowable to anybody
·      Qianlong Emporer
Guiseppe Castiglione, Coronation portrait of Qianlong Emperor, The Empress, and Eleven Consorts, 1736
·      Follow pictorial traditions
·      More shading
Guiseppe Castiglione, Tartar Envoys Present Horses to Qianlong Emperor, 1757
Lacquer and cloisonné writing set.  Lacquer-Wooden pore, sticky sap and applied in layers.  Cloisonne- colored glass that is painted onto metal for decorative means
Jingdezhen, Plate, 1735-96 Qing Dynasty, Qianllang period
·      Famile rose - plate  (1722-35) Yongzheng period
o   Bat symbol of happiness
o   Peaches symbol of longevity
§  Birthday wish to live a long life
·      Famile verte – vase (1683-1722) Kanxi Period
o   Over glaze enamels

Muromachi period- 1392-1573.  Capital: Kyoto
Momayama period 1573-1615. Capital: Kyoto
Edo period.  1615-1868. Capital Edo
·      Zen master
o   Attained enlightenment.  Takes monks and instructs them through meditation
o   Escape Samsara
§  Continuous flow
Bunsei, Landscape, Muromachi period, mid 15th century
·      Zen paintings in demand
·      Hanging scrolls
·      Outline of trees
·      Strong amount of negative or white space.  Indicated water
Ni Zan, The Rongxi Studio, Yuan dynasty, 1392
Sesshu, Wintry Landscape, Muromachi period, 1470
·      Spontaneous painting?
o   Visual document of meditation’
Josetu, “Cataching a Catfish with a Gourd, Muromachi period
·      Koan: a statement or question used to focus meditation in Zen practice.
Ikkyu, Caligraphy Pair from Daitoku-ji, Muromachi period, mid 15th century
·      Document of whats on his mind
Rock Garden, Ryoan-ji, Kyoto, Muromachi period, 1480
·      Document of practice
o   Walking meditation
§  Enlightenment
o   Raking stones of garden
§  Stillness
ú  Rocks don’t move unless attended by garder
Muromachi period- 1392-1573.  Capital: Kyoto
Momoyama period 1573-1615. Capital: Kyoto
Edo period.  1615-1868. Capital Edo

Misako Takeuchi, “The meaning of Pattern in Rimpa School Painting: Mitate and Visual Imagery” in Apollo vol 141 no. 396    (3-10)

Himeji Castle, 83 buildings surrounded by moat
·      Defensive structure
·      Interlocking rocks à resistant to fire
Kano Eitoku, Pine and Cranes, Daitoku-ji, Momoyama Period, 1563-73
·      Kano Masanobu, Zhou Maoshu Viewing Lotus Flowers, Muromachi period
o   Flowers refers to zen (popular during Muromachi)
o   Tatami:  Mats of woven straw used in Japanese interiors as Floor covering and unit measurement
o   Fusuma: Sliding doors covered with paper
Kano Zaizen, Pair of Namban Screens, Momoyama Period
·      Temple and foreigners running around (Portugese)
·      Decorative and abstract use of space
o   Land, water
o   Dreamlike sort of space, surrounded by “golden clouds”
Tawaraya Sotatsu, Matsushima Screens, Edo Period, 17th century
·      If one wants to link, then one can
·      Fabric containing the image as a frame
·      Cypress tree from top, on cliff (right corner)
o   Tarashikomi:  Dripping pigment onto wet pigment
Ogata Korin, Irises and Bridge, Edo period, after 1709
·      Tales of Ise
·      Mitate:  Hidden meaning, usually a literary allusion
Ogata Korin, Lacquer Box for Writing Implements, late 17th century
·      Reference to a place where poetry has been made.
Kosode, Edo Period, early 19th century
·      Kimono
o   Type of clothing, short sleeves.
o   Pictorial representation
Decoration, ostentation, luxury

Tawaraya Sotatsu and Hon’ami Koetsu, Poem scroll with Deer. Edo, 17th cent
·      Calligraphy/painting
·      Highlighted background
·      Abstraction
·      Quick brush stroke to articulate animal
·      Hidden meaning in paintings
·      Allows viewer to get fuller experience
Sen no Rikyu, Tai-an Tearoom, Momoyama period, 1582
·      Peaceful
o   Tokonoma  a niche for the display of an art object in a tea house
§  Warriors brought to space
§  Artwork is used to govern what the mood is
o   Wabi (poverty)  a suggestion of simplicity, humility, and artlessness
o   Sabi (lonliness)  the tranquility of being alone
o   Shibui (bitter) elegant restraint
Style of Chojiro, Black raku teabowl, 16th cent (late)
·      Raku:  A type of hand molded, lead glazed, low-fired pottery, usually resulting in irregularity shaped and glazed wares.  Commonly associated with the Japanese tea ceremony.
Korea, Buncheong style bowl, 16th century
·      Ceramic used for peasants- ricebowl

Edo Period strict control over the movement of citizen.  Restrictive society.  Resist foreign ideas. 
·      Tokugawa Ieyasu
Nagasawa Rosetsu, Bull and Puppy, Edo Period (1615-1868)
·      Architectural focus (panels)
·      Golden/monochrome background
o   Tonality
o   Focus on huge bull
o   Decorative/rhythmic
o   Appeal to merchant class (has own aesthetic value)
o   Asymmetrical contrast between large and small
Japanese Woodblock Prints
·      Quick and Cheap.  Black and white images
·      Ukiyo-e: (“Pictures of the floating world”).  Artwork, often woodblock prints, popular during the Edo Period that pictured scenes of entertainment, everyday life, celebrities, landscapes
o   Meant to be a pleasurable imagination of what things should be
Utagawa Kunimasa, Untitled “Beauty Picture”, Edo Period, 1796
·      Flatness repetitive patterns
Suzuki Harunobu, Geisha as Daruma Crossing the Sea, 1760-1770
·      Multicolor/polychrome woodblock painting
·      Carved design in the wood
o   Each color is a separately carved woodblock
o   Designer, carver, printer, publisher (4 person workshops involved in making a print)
§  Collaboration of skills
·      Daruma is so light that he is able to cross the sea
o   Graceful, harmonious
Hakuin Ekaku, Bodhidaruma Meditating, Edo Period

Totoya Hokke, Raiko Attacks a Demon Kite, 1825
·      Actor portrait
o   Costume
·      Heightened dramatic tension
·      Different woodblock for each color
Hokusai Katsushika, “The Great Wave”, from 36 views of Mt Figi, Edo Period, 1830-33
·      National symbol of Japan
·      Iconic image
o   Influential image because of strong decorative tradition. (Rimpa)
·      Fugi is the unifying element in the 36 views of Mt figi.
·      Clawlike movement of the wave
·      Genre scene (people fishing) taken over by graphic wave.
Rimpa- abstract. People feel pioneered.

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